Fall Float Sale, October 12, 2024
Thanks to all the old and new TOGA members, float builders, educators, vendors, and visitors for a great event.
Photos by Kent Eanes

Arial photo of Camp Kekoka by Kent Eanes
Fall Float Sale
October 12, 2024, 9AM-Noon, Camp Kekoka, 1083 Boys Camp Rd, Kilmarnock, VA 22482
~Vic Spain, Brian Wood, MOGs
Deadline for Float Orders- Oct. 1, 2024
Oyster Gardening 101 is open to all, but registration is recommended. See OYS101. Register Online.
The public is invited, but TOGA float purchases are limited to TOGA members. Join TOGA. You may also join at the sale. Payment is due when you pick up floats. Checks or Cash are preferred but Credit Cards (Visa/MasterCard) will be accepted. If you want to order but cannot attend please advise in the "Questions or comments" block at the bottom of the form. Payment and pickup would be needed within 7 days.
Over the past 3 years, TOGA volunteers built and sold over 300 floats per year. Thanks to our hard-working volunteers who were able to keep pace with the many orders we received. We are happy to witness this level of enthusiasm in oyster gardening.
We will also have a float building and Build-Your-Own Day on Saturday Oct. 5, 10am-1pm at Camp Kekoka, 1083 Boys Camp Rd., Kilmarnock VA 22482.
The online order is preferreed. The order form now includes a survey on your spat requirements. We would like to know how many and what kind of spat you plan to purchase annually. This is a survey, not an order or commitment. Please enter the information on the float order form.
This will be our second float sale at beautiful Camp Kekoka. When you enter the Camp from Boys Camp Road, Look for signs to the sale area. Weather permitting, you may visit the new Madison Boys Memorial learning dock.
During the event, TOGA will provide educational materials and personal consultation with Master Oyster Gardeners (MOGs) who will work with both prospective and experienced oyster gardeners. In addition, Richard Siciliano, MOG, will give a live class entitled Oyster Gardening 101 at 10am.
The sale includes Taylor Floats, Flip Floats, Tidal Tumblers, Rough Riders, Bottom Cages along with spat tubes, wire benders and spat bags. TOGA logo hats and shirts will be on sale as well. To ensure your float order is ready, order by October 1, 2024. Floats and devices are described here: https://www.oystergardener.org/devices-and-designs/
Vendors will be on hand selling triploid and diploid spat. Over the past 2 years, demand for floats has been very high. As a result, this year we are also inviting vendors to sell their floats and equipment. This is intended to help walk-ups and those who did not order by the deadline, those looking for different style floats, and those looking for tools and supplies TOGA does not sell.
This event is one of TOGA’s primary fundraising activities with all proceeds benefiting TOGA (501 (C) 3 charity). Proceeds beyond material costs go to our TOGA/VIMS Student Fellowship Endowment and to other needs determined by the TOGA Board.
Although the float orders are closed, you are welcome to attend the sale and purchase from vendors or available items from TOGA. The Oyster Gardening 101 course is open to all, best to register.
Please limit your order to 3 wire cages
and 2 spat tubes.
Pre-Built Floats and Devices
Taylor Float with Top…………… $145
Flip Float …................................ $90
Bottom Cage ….......................... $90
Tidal Tumbler.............................. $85
Rough Rider................................ $75
Spat Tube (small or medium mesh)...... $35
Bender 42 inch ............................................. $55
Bender 50 inch ………………………………. $60
Build Your Own at our Float Workshops
Taylor Float with Top …............. $135
Flip Float …................................. $80
Bottom Cage …........................... $80
Tidal Tumbler............................... $75
Rough Rider................................ $65
The following items will be available at the event (no need to order)
Mesh Bags (small or medium mesh)
Crabpot Line
Float Wire Mesh, 4 foot wide
Shell bag material
TOGA hats
TOGA T-shirts
Note- You may also order TOGA Apparel directly from Queensboro,