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Volunteer with Us

Volunteer Opportunities
Please contact us to volunteer or ask ask about our current volunteer needs.
Our current Events Schedule- You may contact the event coordinator with the contact info provided.
Float Building- We have a small group of regular float builders, but we need more. For several years, we have been building over 300 floats and devices per year. We usually do this work in the fall and spring, just before the floats sales. Thankfully, TOGA members support our efforts by buying the floats, allowing us to use the revenue to support our TOGA/VIMS Student Fellowship Endowment and other worthwhile projects. The regulars will happily show you how we do it. Volunteer and make new friends! Contact us, or contact Vic Spain directly at
Other ways to volunteer:
Talk with a Board Member or a Master Oyster Gardener at any TOGA Event, Oyster Gardening 101 course, the Annual Meeting, the Appreciation Party, the float sales, etc.

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