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a Member!

You are invited to become a member of the Tidewater Oyster Gardeners Association, a group of people interested in growing oysters for fun, for delicious food, and to help restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay.



  • Receive newsletters with the latest oyster gardening information

  • Participate in educational events sponsored by TOGA

  • Learn about innovations in oyster gardening techniques

  • Benefit from the expertise of hundreds of others interested in growing oysters


Membership dues are $25.00 for one calendar year (not 12 months from payment), and includes family. This ensures that you will receive regular newsletters and notice of upcoming events. If you are paying dues in November or December, you will be credited for the following calendar year. Your TOGA dues are tax-deductible donations.

To join online, renew your membership, or inquire about your current dues status, please input your membership information in the form that will appear when you click in the large green box below.  The form will allow to to pay dues if you wish.

If you do not wish to pay dues, you may use this form simply to update your membership info., or ask about your current dues status. You may also Contact US to ask about membership etc.

NEW- You may add an email address for a  second member of your immediate household. They will be included in membership emails. Just use the
Join TOGA form
when updating your membership (any time). 

We prefer you sign up and pay membership dues dues online, but if you prefer to apply through the mail with a check, click the button below to be taken to our mail-in form. 


We greatly appreciate donations from members and supporters. All donations go toward expanding and improving TOGA for all involved. Click on the button below to contribute.

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