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TOGA Board of Directors 

TOGA Board of Directors 2024:


President: ...................Sue Borra, MOG

Vice President: ............Carlton McFaden

Secretary: ..................Carl Zulick, MOG

Treasurer: ..................Brian Ingram, MOG

Past President: ............Doug Schaefer, MOG

Directors at Large 

Lou Castagnola, MOG 

Ken Hammond, MOG 

Russell Mait, MOG  

Richard Siciliano, MOG 

Kent Eanes, MOG 

Stephanie Antonijuan

David Singletary

Terry Lewis, President Emeritus, MOG 

Mike Sanders, President Emeritus, MOG 

Vic Spain, President Emeritus, MOG 

Brian Wood, President Emeritus, MOG

All TOGA members are welcome to attend Board meetings which are normally held monthly on the second Tuesday. The location varies in order to share the travel burden. Please see schedule for time and place.

Non-TOGA members are also welcome, but please give us advance notice. Anyone wishing to collaborate or raise specific issues, please contact us a week or so before the the meetings and describe what you would like to discuss. Please use the Contact Form.
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