Camp Kekoka
Oyster Reef
Thanks to all for supporting the project. The new dock was completed in November 2023. A dedication (in the name of Madison Boyd) is being planned for Fall 2024.

Brian Wood kicks off Youth Lectures at the Camp, Summer 2022, Click

Please help fund construction of the
Madison Boyd Memorial Pier at Camp Kekoka
TOGA has cherished its partnership with Camp Kekoka for many years. Now we look forward to improvements allowing us to continue teaching a younger generation about the very important stewardship of the oysters in the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers.
In 2019, it became obvious that the dock used by TOGA at Camp Kekoka to manage the educational oyster reef and teaching oyster garden had to be replaced. This is necessary to add restoration oysters, spat and shell; to educate youngsters on Bay stewardship; and to facilitate research by professionals, educators, students and TOGA.
Thanks to the hard work by Ken Hammond (Board member and MOG), the building permit has been approved. We have a cost estimate and an agreement to start building in spring 2022.
This new pier will be named for Madison Boyd, who passed away April 12, 2020. Madison is greatly missed by TOGA and the Boys and Girls Club and Camp Kekoka folks. He began TOGA's involvement with the camp, and, for five years he spent many hours teaching young people about oysters and their importance to the Bay. His legacy as a youth champion will be long remembered and honored.
A pivotal building block for any such endeavor by TOGA is the support of its members and the public. None of the oyster- related accomplishments to date at Camp Kekoka would have happened without the considerable time and care given by volunteers. Now we ask for that generous spirit to continue with everyone taking part in the donation drive underway to support the much needed improvements.
Donations can be provided through PayPal (do not need a PayPal account, only credit card)) on the TOGA website (https://www.oystergardener.org/camp-kekoka), or checks sent to TOGA at P.O. Box 2463, Gloucester, VA 23061 (with note on check that it is for the Camp Kekoka pier). In addition, we can accept donations of boats, motors or other such items. Any gift will be greatly appreciated. Updates on this project will be in future TOGA newsletters. If you have any questions, please contact the TOGA President Emeritus for Education, Brian Wood at email: awood45858@aol.com.
— Brian Wood, MOG

Concept Drawing 2021

Mike Sanders speaks at Save The World Day, Kilmarnock Boys and Girls Club, Click

The Old Dock
The New Dock
Camp Kekoka Kiosk Educational Display
The kiosk display panels were completed in the fall of 2019